43 posts categorized "Open Studio Glitter Glue"


Wed 24

Holiday Greetings from the Garden by Jean Okimoto


Create fresh greetings with garden dies from 2021 Holiday Collection. Open Studio Glitter Glue, Fairy Crystals and Fairy Jewels add sparkly highlights...a Christmas card isn't complete without sparkle!    Hi, Jean Okimoto here with another slimline idea for the holidays

Cut Curled Holly Branch and Pine Needle Trio from two shades of the bluish green sheets in the Lush Green Collection.  

Cut Layered Poinsettia from a coral sheet in the Berry Red Collection.  Shake the Goldfinch Glitter Glue vigorously to blend the contents.  Squirt some Goldfinch on the tip of each poinsettia diecut and spread the glue - start at the tip and work towards the base of each piece.  Crease them gently along the center line, then set them aside to dry.  

Cut or punch a 1" circle of the coral sheet and cover it with glue.  Use it as the base to assemble and adhere the poinsettia.  That's easier than trying to glue the pieces to each other, trust me - and it adds dimension too.

Cut the sheet from the Madras Plaid Coral and Green 6x6 with the 6-¼" x 1-⅜" Rectangle Basics Die - cut it vertically for the full length of the sheet to get the extra ¼" at the top.  Cutting plaids is so much easier with a die - no measuring or wonky strips! 


Attach the diecuts to a white slimline card (3-½" x 8-½").  Add tiny green Christmas Fairy Jewels and clear Christmas Fairy Crystals. Cut a slimline-sized layer of cardstock to protect the card front for mailing.

I love designing slimline cards.  They're a nice surprise for the recipient who didn't expect a handcrafted greeting in that skinny white business envelope.  


Here's a better view of the glittered poinsettia. Goldfinch Glitter Glue adds a clear glossy background and sparkly highlights - and emphasizes the details of the diecuts.  

Thanks for visiting...Happy Thanksgiving if you're celebrating tomorrow!







Sat 13

Holly Bundle on a Layered Wreath by Jean Okimoto

MemoryBoxFlorentinaWreath, MemoryBoxPineNeedleTrio, MemoryBoxHollyBundle, MemoryBoxWrappedStitchRectangles MemoryBoxKnottedCircleWreaths, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaid, MemoryBoxSunlitGoldGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxYuletideMoments, JeanOkimoto, HandmadeChristmasCards, ChristmasDiecuts, WreathCards, PlaidCards, HollyDiecuts, SlimlineCards, 6x6Papers, ImpressCardsAndCrafts

Build a Knotted Circle Wreath base for the new Florentina Wreath and add sprigs of holly, pine and glittered berries. Coordinate it and the greeting with a strip of Madras Plaid Coral and Green in matching shades of pink, peach, coral and green.  Hi, Jean Okimoto here with another design from our 2021 Holiday Collection.

MemoryBoxFlorentinaWreath, MemoryBoxPineNeedleTrio, MemoryBoxHollyBundle, MemoryBoxWrappedStitchRectangles MemoryBoxKnottedCircleWreaths, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaid, MemoryBoxSunlitGoldGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxYuletideMoments, JeanOkimoto, HandmadeChristmasCards, ChristmasDiecuts, WreathCards, PlaidCards, HollyDiecuts, SlimlineCards, 6x6Papers, ImpressCardsAndCrafts

Cut Holly Bundle twice from the chartreuse 6x6 in Lush Green Collection.  We're using 2 large and 1 medium leaf here - save the extras for another project.  

Cut Pine Needle Trio from the chartreuse 6x6 too.  Trim the largest piece - it'll be the bottom sprig on the completed card.  

Cut the berries from a peachy pink 6x6 in the Berry Red Collection.  Shake Sunlit Gold Glitter Glue vigorously, then squirt some onto an acrylic stamp block - a solid, washable surface that's always handy for inky or gluey tasks.  Spread the glitter glue onto 3 berries and set them aside to dry.

MemoryBoxFlorentinaWreath, MemoryBoxPineNeedleTrio, MemoryBoxHollyBundle, MemoryBoxWrappedStitchRectangles MemoryBoxKnottedCircleWreaths, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaid, MemoryBoxSunlitGoldGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxYuletideMoments, JeanOkimoto, HandmadeChristmasCards, ChristmasDiecuts, WreathCards, PlaidCards, HollyDiecuts, SlimlineCards, 6x6Papers, ImpressCardsAndCrafts

Prep the Florentina Wreath and the big Knotted Circle by rubbing them briskly with scrunched waxed paper to help release the detailed diecuts.  Cut the wreath and circle with two shades of green from the Lush Green 6x6 Collection.  Attach the circle behind the wreath.

Cut a lighter green 6x6 with the 2-¾" x 4" Wrapped Stitch Rectangle die.  Cut a vertical 2" x 6-⅜" strip of the Madras Plaid Coral and Green sheet - there's a bit of extra paper at the top for that  additional ⅜".

Stamp the greeting from the new Yuletide Moments Clear Stamp Set - with Shady Lane VersaFine Clair - on a coral sheet from the Berry Red Collection.  Heat-emboss it with detail clear powder.

Attach everything to a white slimline card (3-⅝" x 8-½") - use foamtape for the greeting.

MemoryBoxFlorentinaWreath, MemoryBoxPineNeedleTrio, MemoryBoxHollyBundle, MemoryBoxWrappedStitchRectangles MemoryBoxKnottedCircleWreaths, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaid, MemoryBoxSunlitGoldGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxYuletideMoments, JeanOkimoto, HandmadeChristmasCards, ChristmasDiecuts, WreathCards, PlaidCards, HollyDiecuts, SlimlineCards, 6x6Papers, ImpressCardsAndCrafts

Designing and color selection is easy with the coordinating options available in the 6x6 solids, prints, plaids, polished foils and glittered cardstock.  Hope you're taking advantage of these great papers as you're designing and creating your holiday cards!

Thanks for visiting - see you next week...





Thu 04

Glitter, Glitter and More Glitter by Jean Okimoto

MemoryBoxContempoHollyAndStencil, MemoryBoxKLayeredPoinsettia, MemoryBoPineNeedleTrio, MemoryBoxVibrantViolet6x6Pack, MemoryBoxSunnyOrange6x6, MemoryBoxFestiveChristmasGreetingsClearStampAndDieSet, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitterPad, MemoryBoxWinterFantasyFairyGemstones, MemoryBoxDewdropGlitterGlue, JeanOkimoto, HandmadeHolidayCards, ChristmasDiecuts, GlitteredDiecuts, PoinsettiaCards, SlimlineCards, DIYCards, WordDiecuts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts

Turn the new Contempo Holly on its side and build an arrangement of glittered diecuts for holiday greetings.   Hi, Jean Okimoto here with a versatile layered slimline design you can make in a wide range of colors - traditional reds & greens, jewel tones, white-on-white or winter pastels.

The Contempo Holly set includes a matching stencil -  save that for another card.  Cut Contempo Holly from white cardstock and trim it to about 1-¾" wide (or high, on this horizontal design). Attach it to a white slimline card (8-½"x 3-⅝").  

Cut the leaves from the chartreuse Frosted Glitter Pad sheet.  Cut Pine Needle Trio from the chartreuse sheet too.  Attach them to the card - offset the holly leaves for dimension. 


Cut Layered Poinsettia from a pink 6x6 in the Vibrant Violet Collection.  Vigorously shake the Dewdrop Glitter Glue and squirt dots of it onto the diecuts.  I already spread the glue on the top center diecut - it adds a glossy, glittery iridescent sparkle.  Spread the glue on the diecuts and gently crease them along the center lines.  Set them aside to dry.

Adding a layer of Open Studio Glitter Glue to detailed diecuts like Layered Poinsettia adds gloss and sparkle - and highlights the details.  They come in 23 beautiful shades and are perfect for holiday designs.

Cut the center section with the three circles twice from a yellow sheet in the Sunny Orange Collection.  Cut a 1-¼" circle of the pink cardstock with a Circle Basics die.  Assemble the poinsettia - use the circle as a base to hold the pieces.  It's a lot easier that way...trust me!  Layer the 2 yellow pieces in the center.

Stamp JOY - from the new Festive Christmas Greetings Clear Stamp and Die Set - on white cardstock with Starlite Black Brilliance.  Dry the ink, then cut the greeting with the matching die.  Cut two pink backgrounds and layer them slightly above and below the stamped greeting for dimension and a bit of color.  Attach the greeting with foamtape.

MemoryBoxContempoHollyAndStencil, MemoryBoxKLayeredPoinsettia, MemoryBoPineNeedleTrio, MemoryBoxVibrantViolet6x6Pack, MemoryBoxSunnyOrange6x6, MemoryBoxFestiveChristmasGreetingsClearStampAndDieSet, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitterPad, MemoryBoxWinterFantasyFairyGemstones, MemoryBoxDewdropGlitterGlue, JeanOkimoto, HandmadeHolidayCards, ChristmasDiecuts, GlitteredDiecuts, PoinsettiaCards, SlimlineCards, DIYCards, WordDiecuts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts
Add Winter Fantasy Fair Gemstones (I used the color from the center column).  Here's a tip - punch ¼" circles of cardstock in a similar color and use them as 'markers' (no adhesive!) to determine the perfect locations for the gemstones before you adhere the actual gemstones.

Cover the card front with a slimline-sized layer of cardstock to protect it for mailing.

Big thanks to everyone who ordered the BOO! card kits from Impress and Stamps and Memories.  Hope you liked the designs, especially the spooky eyes slimline!

Thanks for visiting - see you again this weekend...





Sat 23

Build a Layered Poinsettia by Jean Okimoto

MemoryBoxLayeredPoinsettia, MemoryBoxMerryChristmasPoshScript, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyCrystals, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxSunnyOrange6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxStylishRectangleTrio, MemoryBoxRubyCrystalGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxWatercolorForestGreeneryWideWashiYTape, MemoryBoxCo, JeanOkimoto, HolidayDiecuts, HandmadeHolidayCards, PoinsettiaCards, WideWashiTape, WashiTapeCards, DiecutWashiTape, DIYHolidayCards, Papercrafts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, SlimlineCards
Add glitter, dimension and a wide washi tape backdrop to the new Layered Poinsettia on a crisp white slimline card.  Sections of the beautiful Watercolor Forest Greenery 4-½" wide washi tape create a natural setting for a great new holiday item.  Happy weekend, Jean Okimoto here with a simple way to highlight our newest release.

MemoryBoxLayeredPoinsettia, MemoryBoxMerryChristmasPoshScript, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyCrystals, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxSunnyOrange6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxStylishRectangleTrio, MemoryBoxRubyCrystalGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxWatercolorForestGreeneryWideWashiYTape, MemoryBoxCo, JeanOkimoto, HolidayDiecuts, HandmadeHolidayCards, PoinsettiaCards, WideWashiTape, WashiTapeCards, DiecutWashiTape, DIYHolidayCards, Papercrafts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, SlimlineCards

Cut Layered Poinsettia from a bright red 6x6 in the Berry Red Collection.  Vigorously shake the bottle of Ruby Crystal Glitter Glue.  Squirt a blob of glitter glue onto each section and spread the glue with your finger to add a sparkly, glossy layer and highlight the texture.  Set the pieces aside to dry.

Punch or cut a 1" circle of the red cardstock to use as a base.  Crease the petals along the center.  Attach them to the circle base. Cut the center portion from a yellow 6x6 in the Sunny Orange Collection. Attach the tiny yellow center pieces.

Cut the Merry Christmas Posh Script background twice from white cardstock.  Pressure-emboss one white diecut with the delicate Merry Christmas die and the plate(s) and rubber embossing mat required for your machine.  Cut the delicate section from a dark green 6x6 in the Lush Green Collection. Attach the pressure embossed white diecut over the un-embossed diecut.  Attach the green diecut. Pressure embossing the background adds dimension and simplifies attaching the delicate green layer. MemoryBoxLayeredPoinsettia, MemoryBoxMerryChristmasPoshScript, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyCrystals, MemoryBoxLushGreen6x6, MemoryBoxSunnyOrange6x6, MemoryBoxBerryRed6x6, MemoryBoxStylishRectangleTrio, MemoryBoxRubyCrystalGlitterGlue, MemoryBoxWatercolorForestGreeneryWideWashiYTape, MemoryBoxCo, JeanOkimoto, HolidayDiecuts, HandmadeHolidayCards, PoinsettiaCards, WideWashiTape, WashiTapeCards, DiecutWashiTape, DIYHolidayCards, Papercrafts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, SlimlineCards

Attach Watercolor Forest Greenery Wide Washi Tape to white cardstock. Cut it with the medium-sized die from the Stylish Rectangle Trio.  Remove the narrow triangle offcuts - leave everything else in the die.  Attach narrow strips of lined double-stick tape to the diecuts.  Remove the tape liners and press the diecuts firmly onto a white slimline card (8-½" x 3-½").  Use a paper piercing tool to help release it.

Attach the poinsettia and greeting.  Add red Christmas Fairy Crystals.

Cover the card front with a slimline-sized layer of cardstock to protect the card for mailing.

Hope you'll have a chance to create some holiday cards this weekend...see you again tomorrow!  Thanks for visiting...





Thu 04

Send Special Hugs with Dreamy Freesia by Jean Okimoto


MemoryBoxSlimBasicRectangleLayers, MemoryBoxDreamyFreesia, MemoryBoxAllTheHappinessClearStampandDieSet, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaidBlueAndViolet6x6, MemoryBoxLushGreenCollection, MemoryBoxTwilightPurpleCollection, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitterPack, MemoryBoxOpenStudioGlitterGlue, MemoryBox2021SpringCollection,MemoryBoxCo, JeanOkimoto, DiecutFlowers, PlaidCards, SlimlineCards, RadiantNeons, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, StampsAndMemoriesHawaii
Let the Slim Basic Rectangle Layers eliminate guessing and measuring to create perfectly-proportioned design elements for your projects.  They're great for backgrounds and layering on stylish slimline cards.  Hello, Jean Okimoto here with another Madras Plaid and wildflower design from our Spring Collection.

MemoryBoxSlimBasicRectangleLayers, MemoryBoxDreamyFreesia, MemoryBoxAllTheHappinessClearStampandDieSet, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaidBlueAndViolet6x6, MemoryBoxLushGreenCollection, MemoryBoxTwilightPurpleCollection, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitterPack, MemoryBoxOpenStudioGlitterGlue, MemoryBox2021SpringCollection,MemoryBoxCo, JeanOkimoto, DiecutFlowers, PlaidCards, SlimlineCards, RadiantNeons, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, StampsAndMemoriesHawaii

Cut the layering strips with the Slim Basic Rectangle Layers - from the Madras Plaid Blue and Violet Collection (1-⅛" x 6-⅛"*), watercolored and gold-spritzed paper (1-⅜" x 6-⅜") and from the Twilight Purple Collection  (⅝" x 5-½").  *Use the entire sheet - including the extra amount at the top - for the 6-⅛" strip.

Cut Dreamy Freesia from the yellow-green sheet in the 6x6 Lush Green Collection.  

Stamp the greeting on white cardstock with Electric Purple Radiant Neon.  Emboss it with detail clear powder.

Attach everything to a white slimline card (3-½" x 8-½").

Add ¼" dots punched from the purple Frosted Glitter Pad sheet.

MemoryBoxSlimBasicRectangleLayers, MemoryBoxDreamyFreesia, MemoryBoxAllTheHappinessClearStampandDieSet, MemoryBoxMadrasPlaidBlueAndViolet6x6, MemoryBoxLushGreenCollection, MemoryBoxTwilightPurpleCollection, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitterPack, MemoryBoxOpenStudioGlitterGlue, MemoryBox2021SpringCollection,MemoryBoxCo, JeanOkimoto, DiecutFlowers, PlaidCards, SlimlineCards, RadiantNeons, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, StampsAndMemoriesHawaii

Memory Box 6x6 Spring Collection plaids are designed to coordinate with many of the 108 shades in our 9 new 110# cardstock gradient color collections.  It's so easy to quickly select the right colors for your cards, layouts and mixed-media projects.  Plaids + wildflowers are my new favorite combination!

Thanks for visiting...see you again this weekend!






Wed 06

NEW RELEASE! Heart Pop Up Card by Sara Cook

Having fun with the new Valentine's releases. I have a project today inspired by my daughter wanting a surprise on the inside of the card.  It is a pop up card featuring the new Crystal Heart die.  


Pop Up Heart:

Take 140lb Open Studio watercolor paper.  Spray with water then lightly with ink sprays.  I used pink and purple Dylusions spray by Ranger.  Let dry and then die cut a heart using the 2nd largest of the Double Stitched Loving Heart Cut Out. Cut out the Crystal Heart die out of a darker color paper that matches the background heart.  Glue together.  Add some Drewdrop Fairy Sugar glitter glue to some of the open areas and then Glossy Accents to other areas, leaving some areas blank.


Die cut the Big Hugs Scrip foreground die out of the sprayed watercolor paper and the background out of the same dark purple paper used for the Crystal Heart outline.  Glue together.


Die cut a lighter color purple paper using the Pinpoint Burst Plate.  Die cut a circle opening using the 24x24 Stitched Circle Layer die centering it over the burst. Save the cut out circle. Die cut a frame using the 28x28 and 24x24 Stitched Circle Layer dies out of the same dark purple paper.  Take a A2 size card base and temporary tape the Pinpoint Burst base on the outside.  To cut out the circle add temporary tape on back of the saved circle cut out and put back in the center.  Remove the Pinpoint Burst panel., leaving the circle die cut.  Line up the 24x24 circle die over the cut out circle.  Unfold the card so only the front panel will be cut through and die cut. Glue the Pinpoint Burst panel back on the front along with the frame and sentiment.

Inside Sentiment:

Use the "Sending" stamp from the Big and Little Words and "all my love" from the Big and Little Valentines to stamp the inside sentiment.  I used Monarch VersaFine Clair ink.


Cut out a strip of paper 1/2"x31/2".  At one end score at 1/2" and add glue to just the 1/2"score . Place the strip of paper w/glue side up on inside of the card half way down from the opening and close the card until glue dries.  Glue the Crystal Heart on the strip centering it in the circle frame.  Trim off any excess paper on the right side of the heart.  Cut another strip of paper 1/2"x2 1/2". Score every 1/2".   Fold on all score marks.  Glue one end on top of the other forming a box. Add glue to 1 side of the box and place behind the heart. Fold down the box and on the opposite side (from the side glued to the heart) add glue and fold card closed to glue to back of card.  Cut random heart sizes from the sprayed watercolor paper using the Sprinkle Heart Collage.  Glue around the inside for more love.






Thu 12

Create a Tri-Fold Fall Collage by Jean Okimoto


Layer the Wooded Glen and Little Orchard Collages and diecut a mix of tree backgrounds from 6x6 prints for a tri-fold fall card.  Hi, Jean Okimoto here with a collage-y, layered forest scene for a thank you or Thanksgiving greeting.  Here are the supplies for this card...


I wasn't sure if I wanted a tall slimline card - or a shorter version - so I started with the taller version, then shortened it later.


Trim kraft cardstock to 10-½"* x 6-¼". (*a correction!) Score it horizontally at 3-½" and 7".  Trim the corners with a corner rounder.  Cut Wooded Glen Collage from the front of the first panel on the left.  Cut Little Orchard Collage from the back of the center panel.  

Cut an assortment of tree backgrounds from the 6x6 dark red and coral Garland Stripes and Dots.  Cut more backgrounds from the dark maroon floral Garland print. (It's shown on the bottom left corner of the paper pack.)  Attach the backgrounds behind the tree trunks of both collages.

Stamp the greeting - from the Harvest Love and Kindness Clear Stamp and Die Set - on the smooth side of turquoise cardstock with Warm Breeze VersaFine Clair.  

Cut a 3" x  5-¾" strip of turquoise cardstock, round the corners and attach in to the third panel.  Attach the greeting with foamtape.

It needed a sparkly - but matching  - accent so I spread some Open Studio Sunlit Gold Glitter Glue on the dark red striped print.  Heat-set it in short bursts to prevent scorching.  Let it cool, then punch ¼" circles.

P1001015 3

The tree collages are designed for layering - but they're also great on individual panels.  Little kids would love the little trees - maybe with a bear or deer from the Snowglobe Backer set added just for fun.

Thanks for visiting...see you again next week!






Sat 03

Fall Greetings…Thankful by Jean Okimoto

P1170463 2

Gold embossing and ink-shading give a vintage look to the bold Halloween Pumpkin Clear Stamp and Die Set.  Add contemporary colors like chartreuse and dark teal to update it for a simple fall thank you or Thanksgiving card.  Hello, Jean Okimoto here with a big, bright pumpkin card.

Stamp the bold pumpkin on dark orange cardstock with VersaMark and emboss it with detail gold powder.  Stamp and emboss the extra leaves on chartreuse cardstock.  Cut the pumpkin and leaves with the coordinating dies. Shade and edge the pumpkin diecut with Morocco Memento Luxe and the leaves with Spanish Moss VersaFine.

Stamp the greeting - from the Harvest Love and Kindness Clear Stamp and Die Set - on kraft cardstock with Deep Lagoon VersaFine.  Emboss it with detail clear powder.

Attach dark orange (½" x 4"), chartreuse ( ¾" x 4-½") and dark teal (1" x 5") accent strips to a 5-½" square card of kraft cardstock.  Attach the greeting with foam dots.  

Add ¼" punched circles of the gold sheet from the 6x6 Holiday Glitter Pad.

P1170471 2

Square cards require extra postage and handling  - but this bold pumpkin deserves the attention!

Thanks for visiting...have a great weekend!







Thu 24

Share the Spirit of Christmas by Jean Okimoto

MemoryBoxGarland6x6Pack, MemoryBoxSpiritOfChristmasClearStampAndDieSet, MemoryBoxRectangleBasics, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitter6x6Pad, MemoryBoxOpenStudioGlitterGlue, PoppystampsGardenLeavesAndBerries, JeanOkimoto, MemoryBoxCo, HolidayDiecuts, PoinsettiaCards, PoinsettiaDiecuts, HolidayDiecuts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, StampsAndMemories

The Garland 6x6 prints are uniquely pretty - and perfect with the new Spirit of Christmas Clear Stamps and Dies too.  Add a diecut greeting and frosty white Poppystamps berries too.  Hello, Jean Okimoto here with a holiday design for you.

Stamp the poinsettia on orangey-pink cardstock with Morning Mist VersaFine Clair, emboss it with detail clear powder.  Stamp and emboss the leaves on matching green cardstock.  Cut both images with the coordinating dies from the Spirit of Christmas Clear Stamps and Die Set.  The stamps are bold and perfect for watercoloring...but I'll leave that for Dave and the coloring experts on our Design Team!

Stamp the greeting - also from the set - on white with Tulip Red VersaFine Clair.  Dry the ink and cut it with the oval die from the set.  

Cut two berry sprigs from the Poppystamps Garden Leaves and Berries set from the white sheet in the 6x6 Frosted Glitter Pad.

Cut the corner floral print from the beautiful (and new favorite!) Garland 6x6 set with the 3-¾" x 5" Rectangle Basics die.  Cut white vellum with the 3-¾" x 2-½" die.

Attach the poinsettia, leaves and berries to the vellum with doublestick tape - liquid adhesives may curl some types of vellum.  Adhere doublestick tape behind the vellum where it'll be concealed by the diecuts.  Attach the vellum to the Garland print.  Attach the greeting with foam dots.

MemoryBoxGarland6x6Pack, MemoryBoxSpiritOfChristmasClearStampAndDieSet, MemoryBoxRectangleBasics, MemoryBoxFrostedGlitter6x6Pad, MemoryBoxOpenStudioGlitterGlue, PoppystampsGardenLeavesAndBerries, JeanOkimoto, MemoryBoxCo, HolidayDiecuts, PoinsettiaCards, PoinsettiaDiecuts, HolidayDiecuts, ImpressCardsAndCrafts, StampsAndMemories

Attach everything to a white A-6 (4-½" x 6-¼") card.  Shake the new Open Studio Sunlight Gold Glitter Glue to blend the contents then squirt some onto scrap paper.  Use a skewer or toothpick to glitter the poinsettia and set it aside to dry.

The Garland 6x6 coordinates beautifully with many of the Memory Box and Poppystamps dies.  Mix and match them and create unique holiday cards for everyone on your list!

Thanks for visiting...





Sun 20

Ghosts in the Garden by Jean Okimoto


Create an interactive Halloween card with a triple-layered fall scene - the dies from our latest release do all of the work for you!  The top two Dome Layers are just tied at the top and swing back and forth just for fun.  Hello - happy weekend, Jean Okimoto here with a card that acquired a life of its own.  It started as 2 layers and 2 ghosts, but grew to 4 layers, 4 ghosts and 2 pumpkins.


Cut a solid orange background with the inner edge of the Snowglobe Backer die.  

Cut Haunted Entrance Dome Layer from dark brown cardstock.  Cut Haunted House Dome Layer from dark taupe cardstock.  Cut Winter Wood Dome Layer from dark brown cardstock.  Attach the orange inner dome to the Winter Wood Dome Layer - tape the pieces together across the back.

Cut 4 ghosts from Memory Box Watercolor Paper.  Cut the pumpkins from dark orange cardstock.  

Attach the pumpkins to the Haunted Entrance Dome Layer - use a foam dot for the smaller pumpkin.  Attach a small ghost to the dark taupe dome layer.  Attach a big ghost to the orange background.

Cut the olive green floral print from the Garland 6x6 pack with the largest Wrapped Stitch Rectangles die. Attach it to a top-folded white A2 card.  Tie a gold cord through the holes at the top of the 3 Dome Layers then attach everything to the floral print.  Add 2 more ghosts.

Shake the bottle of Goldfinch Glitter Glue and squirt a big drop of it onto scrap paper.  Use a toothpick or skewer to dot some of the flowers with the glue.



Winter Wood and Haunted Entrance Dome Layers aren't just for Halloween - use them for winter scenes over a snowy background too.  Add bunnies and eggs to the Dome Layers for spring cards in April. Thanks for visiting...have fun creating with the great coordinating designs!







