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Wed 27

Holiday Greetings from a Sweet Bird by Jean Okimoto

MemoryBoxSweetBird, MeoryBoxSnowflakeHotFoilPlate, MemoryBoxVintageTray3DEmbossingFolderAndDie, MemoryBoxAlpineSnowflakes, MemoryBoxMerry+BrightFloilBanners, MemoryBoxLagoon6x6, MemoryBoxSunrise6x6, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyDewdrops, MemoryBoxRainbowReflectionsMirrorPad, JeanOkimoto, MemoryBoxCo, MemoryBoxDies, Diecuttiong, AdventCalendar, AdventBox, Cardmaking, HolidaytCardmaking, Papercrafts, 6x6PaperPads, 6x6PaperCrafts, VersaMark, ImagineCrafts

Deliver holiday greetings with the new Sweet Bird on a sparkly double-embossed snowflake background.  Hi, Jean here - cyclone has passed - just working around flickering power, weak WIFI  and non-loading photos.  We have a generator but it doesn't guarantee WIFI or post photos!

MemoryBoxSweetBird, MeoryBoxSnowflakeHotFoilPlate, MemoryBoxVintageTray3DEmbossingFolderAndDie, MemoryBoxAlpineSnowflakes, MemoryBoxMerry+BrightFloilBanners, MemoryBoxLagoon6x6, MemoryBoxSunrise6x6, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyDewdrops, MemoryBoxRainbowReflectionsMirrorPad, JeanOkimoto, MemoryBoxCo, MemoryBoxDies, Diecuttiong, AdventCalendar, AdventBox, Cardmaking, HolidaytCardmaking, Papercrafts, 6x6PaperPads, 6x6PaperCrafts, VersaMark, ImagineCrafts

Used the Snowflake Hot Foil Plate to pressure-emboss heavy white cardstock.  Spritz both sides of the cardstock with a light mist of water and wait a few seconds for it to be absorbed.  Pressure-emboss the cardstock with the plates and rubber mat required for your machine,  Hot foil plates are are thicker and less pliable than other embossing products.  Don't force it through your machine if it seems to be struggling.  We don't want to damage the plates, the machine or your arm!

If the embossed cardstock is still damp, gently dry it with a heat-tool.  Place it (detaled-side-up) on a hard, flat surface and use a hard rubber brayer to apply VersaMark from a clean, well-inked pad.  Cover it with clear, ultra-fine iridescent embossing powder, tap the excess off and heat-emboss it.  Let it cool, then cut it with the die from the Vintage  Tray 3D Embossing Folder and Cutting Die set.  

The blackout embossing/inking technique is popular right now.  Let's call this the whiteout technique! MemoryBoxSweetBird, MeoryBoxSnowflakeHotFoilPlate, MemoryBoxVintageTray3DEmbossingFolderAndDie, MemoryBoxAlpineSnowflakes, MemoryBoxMerry+BrightFloilBanners, MemoryBoxLagoon6x6, MemoryBoxSunrise6x6, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyDewdrops, MemoryBoxRainbowReflectionsMirrorPad, JeanOkimoto, MemoryBoxCo, MemoryBoxDies, Diecuttiong, AdventCalendar, AdventBox, Cardmaking, HolidaytCardmaking, Papercrafts, 6x6PaperPads, 6x6PaperCrafts, VersaMark, ImagineCrafts

Use four of the five tray offcuts for the background.  Cut the mid-sized Alpine Snowflake from the 1-3/4" x 1-1/2" block - it doesn't matter if you cut into the snowflake patternn - we just want  a glittery white snowflake diecut to layer behind the bird. 

Cut the turquoise Rainbow Reflections 6x6 with the Vintage Tray's narrow rectangle.

Attach adhesive label paper (or a sticker sheet) to  turquoise wool-blend felt to stabilize it and keep adhesives from saturating it.  Cut Sweet Bird's tail and main section from the felt.  Cut the 2 wing sections from the Rainbow Reflections 6x6.  Cut the head and chest sections from an aqua 6x6 in the Lagoon Collection.  Cut the small beak/face section from a light orange 6x6 in the Sunrise Collection.  Color the eye area with a black marker.  Assemble the bird.

MemoryBoxSweetBird, MeoryBoxSnowflakeHotFoilPlate, MemoryBoxVintageTray3DEmbossingFolderAndDie, MemoryBoxAlpineSnowflakes, MemoryBoxMerry+BrightFloilBanners, MemoryBoxLagoon6x6, MemoryBoxSunrise6x6, MemoryBoxChristmasFairyDewdrops, MemoryBoxRainbowReflectionsMirrorPad, JeanOkimoto, MemoryBoxCo, MemoryBoxDies, Diecuttiong, AdventCalendar, AdventBox, Cardmaking, HolidaytCardmaking, Papercrafts, 6x6PaperPads, 6x6PaperCrafts, VersaMark, ImagineCrafts

Attach the diecuts to a white A6 card (4-1/2" x 6-1/4") - use foam tape for Sweet Bird.  Add a greeting from the new white Merry and Bright Foil Banners set.  Add red Christmas Fairy Dewdrops.  Cut an a A6-sized piece of cardstock to protect the card front for mailing.

Thanks for visiting!  Have a Happy Thanksgiving if you're celebrating tomorrow!

Jeansignature-3 2






Happy to hear that all is well after the storms. Wonderful layering and that is indeed, one sweet bird!

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