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Hi Patter! Don't have any of the new Memory Box stamps (yet!), but hope to get a few and whip something up for the contest.

Yeah Rosemary! Can't wait to see what you create! :)

just got my new stamp in the mail 5 minutes ago! cant wait to get started :) be back later xx shelly

patter you made the most beautiful card! i forgot to you want us to list our products in our post here or is just on our own blog posting ?thanks! shelly

Yeah Shelly! So glad you got your stamp! I can't wait to see what you created! And you can post your list of products with your blog or gallery post. :) Hope that helps! :)

thanks patter:)
i made 2 cards and have them in the same posting. you can see them
HERE thanks for another super fun contest! good luck to everyone that enters!

ok that link didnt work.. shoot i forgot what i did last time ..i'll just type in my link directly to the project sorry to make ya have to copy/paste. thanks for puttin up with my dorkiness with this blog frustrating at times ;)

Patter, My daughter is 8 and would love to enter your contest... Would that be okay? Or just adults? Would you consider a kid one sometime?

Alex, I have asked Dave for you, and as soon as I have an answer I will post here. :) How fun that your daughter wants to play along. :) Yeah for her!

thank you...

Patter, your card is gorgeous -- love the colors and what an innovative use of a popsicle stick!

Alex, I just heard from Dave, and his response is "Kids are fine!" Ooooh, I can't wait to see your daughter's entry. So fun to have her joining in!

And Sharon, thank you for your sweet comment. I do love using those popsicle sticks. I just need to use them more. :)

Have a great day everyone, and happy crafting!

Here's my first entry!! I've never used Popsicle sticks before, it was a challenge! Here's my card though:

TFL!! :D

Here is a card I made, just for fun. I won last time so I am not playing for real. Just wanted to step out of my comfort zone. Thanks for the fun!

Forgot the link. Here you go.

Would like to mail in my contest entries if I may. Can you please tell me where to mail? Thanks so much!

Jan, please e-mail me at [email protected], and I will give you the address. Thanks!

Hello- Here are my entries for the contest...thanks so much for the challange, it was a blast :) Andrea Bean

Card One

Card One- Close Up

Card Two

Hi Patter! Finally got something made for the challenge. Boy and was this challenge challenging for me! Here is my card:

Hello-Here is my first entry for your contest. It was a challenge, but I had fun!

Please ignore the first posting. These are the images I want to enter.


Hopefully, third time is a charm!! Sorry about the other postings.

This is my second entry. I love the owl stamps!!!

Hi Patter,
Thanks for the challenge! This was a fun one.

Looks like my link didn't make it!

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