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Patter, this is so adorable! Love it! It looks so elegant! Great for a bridal shower which I will be going to soon ;)

Oh my, such an adorable card after you finished it! Really pretty on a Biscotti paper! Love the blings too on the card..really beautiful!! Question though? Did you use a thin chipboard or thick? If it's thick, how did you trim/cut it? Would like to try it myself. Thanks always for sharing! :o)

What an fun girlie card. Perfect name for this card. I love the bling you've added and the shoe is wonderful.

Thank you all for your kind comments. :) And Armie, it was "medium" chipboard. I knew the thinner chipboard was not what I wanted because I wanted the shoe to stand out a bit. I could have used Pop Dots but . . . Anyway, my thick chipboard was way too thick but the medium was perfect. I just cut it with my scissors. It was a bit hard to cut it on the underside of the shoe where it curves from the heel but I sanded it to clean it up a bit. I guess I am just used to cutting my chipboard. Give it a try. I think you might like it! :) Let me know if you have more questions. :)

How cute!! I love it. I teach a girls Sunday School class and they would love to do something like that. Right now we are doing His Holy Name every other week and will use the Bind-it-all to make a book (or two!) Love your ideas, thanks for sharing!

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