Outside The Box


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Denise Bryant

Beautiful ornament! Love the pretty bow and beads to decorate that gorgeous die!


Muy bueno, Bibiana. Gracias.

Pam Sparks

very cool Bibiana! love it!

Sabrina Radican

Simply gorgeous!!

Lynn R.

Just beautiful!! What a great way to use these new dies, very creative.

annette stafford

Very elegant. Just your style. The die and ornament are beautiful.

Lynn G.

Absolutely a gorgeous ornament! Very, very and very lovely!

Carol Mc

Gorgeous. Love that bow.


Feliz navidad! See, I remembered another Spanish phrase lol! Wonderful project. Thanks for all the inspiration. Maddy x


What an incredibly beautiful ornament. Could be used anywhere and everywhere for holiday decorating

Mary-Anne V.

Wow what a stunning ornament...love the rich red and the ribbon.


Great idea turning these die cuts into a 3-d ornament. I could see a set of these in different colors.

Nancy Johnson

Beautiful! I really like the way you used the ornament die to make a 3-D project.

sharon c

Love the ornament, it is gorgeous.

Susie King

Me gusto mucho!! Love it. Will definitely try some of these!

Colleen Gee

Such pretty colors. I love how you used the die to make a 3 dimensional ornament.


This is gorgeous!

Sheri C

Your ornament is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with us.

Terri (blindstamper)

Gorgeous ornament!

Lynn G.

Just a beautiful, beautiful ornament. I love this die. Thank you so much for sharing!

Sharon Roselli

So stunning! Love the lace and babble on the top. I never think to make into 3D. Great job.

Katie B.

Wow, what a beautiful ornament! I have never seen anyone do this before. Awesome idea and beautiful execution! Thanks for sharing.

Katie B.

Bonnie Isabelle

That ornament is beautiful. I am going to have look for that die. I would love to make several to put on my tree and maybe to give a few as gifts.

Jean Bullock

Very beautiful!

Nat M

I can see using this quite a lot at Christmas. gorgeous design!! :)

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This blog is written in Spanish for Memory Box
If you happen to stumble onto it, are an English speaking person, and are puzzled about something, no worries! Leave me a comment and I will answer you any questions you may have! And remember you can use "Google translate" below -Bibiana

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All content, including designs, sketches, tutorials, all text, videos, and photographs are COPYRIGHT © 2013 Bibiana Martinez-Ziegler and are shared for your personal inspiration only. Content may not be copied, distributed in any format, and cannot be used for publications, contests, or classes of any kind. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you!

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Todo el contenido, los dibujos, tutoriales, textos, videos y fotos de este blog son de mi propiedad © 2013 Bibiana Martinez-Ziegler. Comparto mis creaciones unicamente para su inspiración personal. El contenido no puede ser copiado, distribuido y/o utilizado en publicaciones, competencias o clases. Si tiene alguna duda, hagamelo saber. Le agradezco que respete mi trabajo. Muchas Gracias!
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